October 8, 2024
5 min read

Why Do People Play Video Games?

Why Do People Play Video Games?

It goes without saying, people enjoy playing video games. Yes, we get it, hot take. 

Why would you enjoy sitting in front of a screen with access to a vault full of fun, immersive stories, cool characters, adrenaline pumping action, emotional music and banger sound design?

Seriously though, here’s a few arbitrary reasons that some of us enjoy video games for!

Ready? Let's go!

Top 10 reasons why people play video games

While not everyone enjoys video games for these exact reasons, there’s definitely a large group of people somewhere in the world that feel drawn to them for a specific reason. Do you see yourself in any (or maybe a few?) of those?

1. Escape from reality

Not necessarily the self-destructive type, rather appreciation for the level of creativity of our fellow man. 

There are many impressive games that were crafted as a better version of the world than the one that we live in. 

So long as the escapist doesn’t cut himself away from the real world and simply acknowledges the impressiveness of the virtual world that is.

Otherwise there could be problematic obsessiveness about playing video games.

2. Exploration and freedom

Video games can allow us to experience things that we, the modern people, cannot really achieve in the real world anymore. 

Everything is virtually explored, unless you account for deep oceans and certain parts of the world that would most likely end in your demise without a fully equipped expedition of seasoned explorers to lead you anywhere. 

But would that really be you exploring anything, rather than just being part of it?

Video games give you a chance to find things that no one has ever seen or discovered before.

A real thrill to share these findings with the rest of the world, just like in real life!

Moreover, many gamers seek out games with extensive PVE content because they enjoy exploring vast, challenging environments without the competitive pressure of PVP (Player vs. Player) dynamics.

3. Relaxation

Being able to lie on the couch while playing games is another level of cosy..
Image Source: freepik.com

Whether you’ve had a long day at work, school or simply came back home after a very long day, just being able to sit down and have some down time with some of your favourite video games can be a real highlight of the day.

It’s a type of reward that you know that you absolutely deserve.

Even better if it’s Friday night and you’ve got no other plans other than simply chilling at home or with your friends at your place.

Make sure to compete for who’s paying for the pizza!

4. Excitement

Various kinds of excitement are to be had when it comes to playing video games.

Intense action with your twitch reflexes being tested, a gripping story where the fate of many is decided or simply solving a complex puzzle and advancing further! 

If you’re playing competitive multiplayer games, there’s without a doubt some games/matches that REALLY get the blood flowing, probably yelling into the mic or simply at the screen cause you’re just overcome with emotions.

Probably best to keep it safe for work though, since there’s quite a crackdown on certain “toxic behaviours”, so stay safe out there gamers!

Smothering them with kindness can sometimes have hilarious effects (especially when dominating).

5. Competition

Fighting games have very high skill ceiling so plenty of room to meet your match!
Image Source: forbes.com
Game Source: Street Fighter V: Champion Edition

As mentioned above, there’s a certain itch that competitive gaming satisfies. 

It lets you test your own skill against people around the world, put yourself out there and show what you’re made out of in an attempt to be on top.

Or be paired with a team of less than able teammates and be forced to carry them so hard that you’ll be lucky to not develop paraplegia post match.

Pray to the matchmaking gods and hope that they listen when you ask for a balanced match.

6. Mastery

Spending a good amount of time on video games raises your knowledge, skill and overall understanding of it. 

This happens in both single player and multiplayer games, but multiplayer tends to employ a heavy degree of patches and nerfs to keep meta as fresh as possible.

At some point you’ll become so good at it that simply seeing lower skilled players play it (or being paired with them in a match) would cause you a certain level of annoyance, it’s best to steer clear of such thoughts though and focus on their improvement instead.

Especially if that person is in a relationship with you!

Mastering a game can become a real two-edged sword…

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7. Nostalgia

10 Old PC Games Still Worth Playing Today
Image Source: makeuseof.com
Game Source: Starcraft 1

Things were better in the past and so were the games. The truth of this statement is filtered through an impossible to replicate emotional response to playing games for the first time.

There’s a hard to define time in every gamers mind, where “games were better”. 

It’s not a “real” time period, it’s just our vague recollection of having super fun time playing games in the past.

A lot of it is factually correct from the individual's point of view. You DID enjoy those games back then more than the games you enjoy today.

Doesn’t mean that all the games produced today are worse, it’s that funny brain thing where you choose to focus on the pleasant things and not the frustrating and annoying bits from that period.

Plenty of older games are still absolute bangers even today though, that much is 100% true!

8. Measurable Progress

Having literal stats built into a game with a clear objective and potentially even location where you can complete it? How incredibly convenient and life changing would that be in real life?

You can succeed in the game so long as you put in the time and effort. There’s always a return on your investment, a measurable return on it.

If you’re not satisfied with it, you can improve it or make it more efficient by testing things out.

Some games offer the satisfaction of progression without spending much time on it, like for example Idle RPGs.

In real life there are multiple outside factors that can (and will) get in the way of that.

Probably why it’s easier to succeed in video games.

Being able to save in the game probably helps too!

9. Collecting

While hoarding stuff in real life will get you kicked out of the house by social services due to the complaints from your ever-so-worried neighbours, in video games your need to grab everything that’s not nailed down or on fire is limited only by how many containers you’ve got or your maximum carry weight. 

Which most of the time can be expanded further.

After all, you never know when you’ll need all those bones, rocks, brains in a jar or a few tonnes of gold.
One person's junk is another person's treasure after all, so keep grabbing stuff till you can’t move anymore!

10. Community

Raiding bosses can either make or break a friendship, preparation is key!
Image Source: square-enix-games.com
Game Source: Final Fantasy XIV

Depending on where you’re living, meeting up with friends can be an actual event that you have to plan ahead. 

Kind of like a D&D session but without slaying a dragon at the end of the campaign. 

Video games tend to bring an impressive amount of different people together and many lifelong relationships can form from simply enjoying each other's company.

Doesn’t mean that every person you’ll play with will have that sort of impact on your life. Far from it.

But when you do find that person or group, you’ll never regret the time that you’ve spent together and you’ll always fondly remember these shared moments…

FAQs about playing video games

What is the point of playing video games?

Enjoyment mostly. What parts cause you the most enjoyment is up to personal preference of course.

Once you’re losing that enjoyment, attempt to switch things up a bit. Spice up your video game sessions to bring the spark back.

Is gaming healthy?

In moderation playing video games can be very healthy. Playing games together with friends can really spike up your dopamine and obliterate any built up stress into dust.

Is gaming good for your brain?

There’s no doubt that certain video games can really improve your reaction time, problem solving, hand to eye coordination, creativity etc.

Does gaming affect life?

Yes, it can affect it both positively and negatively. Unrestricted access to video games with no self-control and impulse control can be rather troublesome.

Playing video games without sacrificing other things can be a very pleasant way to bond with friends and family but also relieve stress.

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