March 4, 2025
5 min read



What is the Difference Between CRPGs and JRPGs?

CRPGs and JRPGs were both influenced by the TTRPGs and their popularity grew exponentially within their markets. Today there are almost no limits for the players to choose their preferred titles, so what are the main differences between them? Does it matter where they were created? 

Let's find out!

CRPGs and JRPGs: Key Differences

Divinity: Original Sin 2 a great example of modern CRPG for both new players and veterans
Image Source:
Game Source: Divinity: Original Sin 2

Despite the “versus”, most JRPGs and CRPGs aren’t directly competing against each other. At least not for the same demographics and most RPG fans can enjoy both genres for different reasons. Despite CRPGs showing up faster on the video game market than JRPGs they were still both influenced by the TTRPGs in the end. But they are quite different due to a very important reason, which is their point of origin.

Cultural influences

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the design, artstyle, narrative and many other things were affected by where each genre originated from. There’s a reason why CRPGs are often called western RPGs to differentiate them from JRPGs. While both are essentially RPGs, the differences to their overall design are very distinct!

Gameplay and mechanics

Familiar mechanics with new complexity and more options, Persona 5 has it all!
Image Source:
Game Source: Persona 5

The CRPGs were designed for PCs, which offered a lot more in terms of user input. Players had a keyboard (and mouse in later titles) that allowed them to interact with the game in greater complexity. 

JRPGs were designed for consoles with controllers, which at that point had very limited input. This affected both the gameplay and mechanics used in each genre, with CRPGs allowing players to perform more complex tasks and JRPGs simplifying everything to reach more casual players.

Both approaches worked quite well and offered different experiences for the players. 

Visual and aesthetic differences

Another defining feature is of course the visuals. Once PCs had capability to actually handle more complex graphics, CRPGs took the path of more grounded and realistic designs (as grounded as tackling dragons with a sword can get of course), taking a lot of inspiration from the already popular TTRPG art style. 

JRPGs had a very different approach to it, mostly due to the popularity of the manga/anime in Japanese culture. The characters were very stylised, colourful and their appearance didn’t dictate their capabilities (a small childlike character could lift and toss huge rocks for example). 

The visuals used to be one of the core identifiers when it came to defining what CRPG and JRPG are.

Narrative style

KOTOR series really gives you a great look into the Star Wars Universe with great story and interesting characters.
Image Source:
Game Source: KOTOR II: The Sith Lords

The narrative style is another distinct part of each individual genre. The CRPGs were focused on giving the players the TTRPG fantasy experience, allowing them to create a character from scratch and be thrown into the world to interact with it as they see fit. 

While it’s not possible to fully bring TTRPG into a video game, many developers had a different and interesting take on it, giving rise to many cherished titles. JRPGs instead focused more on taking control of already existing characters instead. This gives a chance for the players to become immersed through their player character (PC) since there are personal stakes involved. So while you’re inevitably saving the world, at the same time you can enjoy their growth and development.

And of course, we cannot forget about the companions in CRPGs or JRPGs and their place in the narrative!

Party and Companion Mechanics

Since each of the narrative designs is different, you can expect the companions to play different roles in each.  In CRPGs companions are often meant to ease the burden of the player and add extra flavour to the experience, while In JRPGs, companions are often taking a more active role in the story, they’re not just accompanying the hero/heroine but are part of it.

Influence and Legacy of CRPGs and JRPGs

Video games have an impact on the culture just as much as culture has an impact on the video games, for better or for worse. The biggest titles can enjoy mainstream popularity which gives developers a chance to further focus on the franchise, again, for better or worse. 

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Adaptations into other Media

Final Fantasy 7 remains as one of the fans favourite in the series.
Image Source:
Movie Source: Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

When it comes to adaptation of video games into alternative media, Japan tends to have a lot of projects ranging from manga/anime, theatrical releases, life-action adaptations etc. 

The CRPGs did not enjoy similar popularity, mostly due to the Dungeons and Dragons franchise getting most of the attention in various tv shows, movies, cartoons, comics etc.

Influence on game development across genres

Both genres influenced each other over the years while also giving rise to other genres that are very popular today. Be it action RPG, tactical RPGs, dungeon crawlers, hack and slash and many other variations.

Not to mention any other genre that relies on RPG mechanics but that could easily be credited to the TTRPGs, which is undeniably the main reason behind creation of both CRPGs and JRPGs.  

Community and Fandom

The world might've ended but at least there's some Nuka Cola to enjoy!
Image Source:
Game Source: Fallout

With the popularisation of the internet joining the community of each individual franchise is easier than ever. The more popular the title, the more additional content exists to explore further. That could mean fanfics, fanart, mods, essays, deep dives into lore and much, much more for the fans to interact with each other and potentially create something themselves.

But it’s always important to remember that while interacting with other fans can enhance the experience, it can also have a complete opposite effect. There is such a thing as a toxic community and it’s best to play it safe when it comes to becoming part of it. 

CRPGs or JRPGs: Which is Better?

Rather than an arbitrary decision as to which genre is overall better, it’s better to simply address their most enjoyable parts instead. 

CRPGs are for players who want to create their own stories with their own characters with choices that can change the final outcome of their playthrough. 

JRPGs are for those who want to explore a carefully crafted story through the eyes of its inhabitant, while mostly linear, the stories are often quite immersive despite that.

Are either JRPGs or CRPGs better than the other? It’s purely personal taste, nothing more.

Even if you don’t enjoy certain aspects of either genre, you’re bound to find some titles that have a completely different approach to the classic designs. 

So no reason to limit yourself to either/or mentality. Simply enjoy them both!

FAQs about CRPGs and JRPGs

What defines a CRPG compared to a JRPG?

CRPGs focus more on visual realism and character driven narratives, while JRPGs go down the path of artistic freedom and more linear storytelling.

Why do CRPGs often feature more complex decision-making than JRPGs?

It’s mostly the narrative design. JRPGs focus on telling a story through existing characters, while CRPGs give a lot more freedom to choose their own adventure instead.

How do CRPGs and JRPGs differ in game design and player experience?

CRPGs focus more on freedom and decision making, while JRPGs create storylines for players to follow through. Both offer enjoyable experiences for different types of people.

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