August 21, 2024
4 min read

The Ancient Races of Azoria

The Ancient Races of Azoria

What Are the Different Races in Dreams Quest?

The world of Azoria is filled with many different creatures with their own unique traits and cultures. The ones below are among the first ones created in Azoria and shaped its history to what it is today.

The ancient races of Azoria

Initially the World of Azoria was barren and devoid of life. 

Through its power of life creation, Weka bestowed life upon its surface, creating five distinct ancient races. 

Each race was acting independently of each other, following different ideologies, interacting with the world how they seemed fit and possessed different goals. Despite that, the Weka that they were created from connected them in a way that they could not foresee. 

In time they were all invited to Mount Shilaia by the enigmatic La’Huna, bringing their combined knowledge and cultures finally together, beginning a new era for the Ancients.


Arythmea are short but very skilled in all manners of crafting and machinery.

These little guys are very handy with all types of tinkering, smithing and inventing. Despite their small stature they’re very adept and hard working individuals. 

While they tend to be quite welcoming and open when it comes to interacting with other races, you need to earn their trust before they’ll be willing to share the fruits of their labour with you, whether it’s new technologies or inventions. 

It stems from their collective fear of potential misuse of their creations by others, rather than unwillingness to elevate and bring prosperity to others. Which is in fact one of their main motivations to pursue more efficient techniques and machinery, bringing benefit and improvement for everyone equally.

Once you become friends with one, their loyalty is unmatched. You can always count on them to deal fairly with you, so long as you’re willing to offer them something they don’t have access to.


Dragons while intimidating are very well meaning, even if they might come off as a bit isolationist.

A race of massive winged shape-shifting creatures. 

When moving around within mixed-race areas they tend to maintain a humanoid form to reduce the anxiety their massive bodies can cause. 

Maintaining such a form can be quite taxing though, hence they tend to prefer their natural form. Unfortunately, due to how hard it is to keep their shaped forms, they tend to avoid interacting with other races unless necessary, which can occasionally come off as them being aloof or unwilling to mingle with other races. 

It is actually quite far from the truth as their benevolence is one of their most notable traits (other than powerful bodies). They possess natural affinity for interacting with the world and have an ability to perceive things that others cannot. Also, among others, they can provide supernatural protection to those they deem worthy of such blessings.


Elestria seek achieving higher level of being through spiritual means and connection to Weka.

Elestrians tend to be very spiritual and put a lot of effort into studying higher states of being. Their society as a whole is focused on reaching new levels of enlightenment, while making sure that they teach newer generations the most efficient ways and techniques for achieving elevated states of consciousness. 

While they’re quite welcoming when it comes to sharing their knowledge with other races, they tend to also keep the most sacred (locations? temples?) only to those they deem worthy of such attendance. 

As long as a person doesn’t have ill will, they’re more than willing to share their wisdom and teachings.

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Melat'v'dia seek to satiate their natural curiosity through research and experimentation.

While Arythmea pursued the more “mechanical” aspects of scientific discovery and Elestrians the spiritual one, the Melat’v’dia focused on studying the world around them instead. 

They focused on the practical applications of various Organic Matter but also its interaction with naturally occurring crystals, the secrets of Weka and discovery of various elements within Azoria. 

Driven by natural curiosity and fascination with constant improvement via scientific discoveries propelled them as most advanced in their respective fields. 

While these are most admirable traits, other races find their “eagerness” for discovery a bit unsettling at times.

At one point this drive could lead to rather unpleasant repercussions that could affect the whole of Azoria…


REOK come off as a bit of an enigma but there's no doubt about their good intentions towards other races.

REOK (yes all caps) are beings that are guests to the physical world, unlike most other ancient races. 

Despite other races establishing contact with them, they’re still seen as rather mysterious due to the fact of operating on the same but different plane of existence, occasionally just popping out of nowhere and causing a bit of mischief. 

It is unknown whether it’s meant as a prank or simply “accidental”. But since they possess the ability to shift between realities at will, it might be the former…

Due to the aforementioned establishment of contact with other races, the REOK planted a seed from their original spectral plane of ALYRIA, which is connected to the first tree originally created by Weka. 

This tree is a way that allows certain individuals to visit their spectral plane realm.

How do the ancient races interact with each other?

While the history is quite complex and consists of many different events, the most recent interactions are based on mutual cooperation and working together towards prosperity for all races, rather than individual pursuit of each race separately. 

Individuals are of course free to act on their own as they see fit, so long as they cause no harm to others. Whether on purpose or by accident.

There are some new races that were brought into the world of Azoria, each having their own agendas. 

Due to that fact, the ancient races tend to band together due to long time familiarity with each other, while treating newcomers with a certain level of distrust.

And not all of them are willing to find unity among these Ancients… 

Learn more about the ancient races in Origins: The Fall of Azoria

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